Saturday, March 08, 2008

Dr Pepper Dreams

After two years without a vacation we have decided to cram it all into two weeks. J gets two weeks off for spring break before he has to hit the books super hard, so why not hit the road? Well, one reason not to would be the two year old who won't go to bed in the next room. It is 10:00 as I type. He has been up since 6:30 and only slept for about 30 minutes in the car. The boy needs to sleep. Right now, him and Ashley are in bed together, much to my chagrin. It is the only place he will lay without screaming. At least we have a suite.

Our first day of the Dickens' road trip started out good. We stopped in Waco for some Rudy's BBQ. Mind you, we can eat at Rudy's fairly close to our house, but things always taste better on the road. The kids were well behaved and my brisket was to die for. After Rudy's we took a mini tour of Baylor. The kids loved a bear statue but we didn't actually see the real bear. Oh how easily they are entertained. Waco could have been our final vacation spot.

Once we had our fill of bears, we headed over to the spot I had been looking forward to all day, the Dr Pepper museum. Waco was where the magic all started. We paid our overpriced admission tickets to see the original bottling plant. It was interesting for me to see all the old memorabilia, but J and the kids were unaffected. The best part for them was the real soda fountain. They made our Peppers the old fashioned way, with real syrup and pure soda water. To be honest, it tasted like any other Dr Pepper, but still was exciting to me, a true Pepper lover. FYI, originally Dr Peppers were called "Wacos" since that was the only place you could find them. People would go to the bar and say "Shoot me a Waco."

Once we arrived in San Antonio it was late and happened to hit bad traffic. We were tired and hungry and decided the mall close by the hotel was the best place to eat for the kids. This mall was not the usual mall we were used to. It was a little sketchy to say the least, but we survived. Now, we are back at the hotel and baby boy will just not go to sleep. We are trying to "go with the flow" but it isn't very easy. I am quickly remembering why we haven't traveled much in the past couple of years.

Like I said, we will be traveling on and off for the next two weeks. We have San Antonio for the next couple of days and later a brief stop in Atlanta followed by a cabin in the Smoky Mountains for a Dickens/Head annual vacay. If you want to follow our many adventures the next two weeks keep checking for updates and you can always go to J's blog at the Family Guy for pics.


Michelle said...

Hope you guys have a good trip - good luck with the sleeping...

BTW - I tagged you over at my blog today.

ASC said...

ooooh, hang in there....when we went to san antonio in january, i swear our daughter hardly slept at all for five least that's what it felt like to me! no sleep at all!!! :-)